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2024-10-16 21:21:01
本文摘要:Civil drones are gaining popularity with expanded use from photo and video shooting to delivery. Yet a team from a college in Shanghai has warned that these devices can be easily hijacked by hackers for malicious purposes.随着无人机的功能从摄制照片、视频甚至扩展到可以租车,民用无人机更加受到青睐。Civil drones are gaining popularity with expanded use from photo and video shooting to delivery. Yet a team from a college in Shanghai has warned that these devices can be easily hijacked by hackers for malicious purposes.随着无人机的功能从摄制照片、视频甚至扩展到可以租车,民用无人机更加受到青睐。然而一个来自于上海的大学生团队警告说道,无人机设备很更容易遭黑客的蓄意入侵。Chen Peng, a postgraduate student from Shanghai University of Science and Technology, showed how hacking takes place with the help of his professor Chen Hao.陈鹏,上海科技大学的一名研究生,在导师陈浩的协助下展出了黑客如何侵略无人机。
The 23-year-old connected a cellphone to his computer through Wi-Fi. As he input a series of instructions into the computer, the cellphone started to display the image captured by the controlled drone. He also managed to control the movement of the lens on the drone to select whatever angle he wanted.这名23岁的学生通过无线网相连了手机和电脑。在他将一系列程序输出电脑时,手机开始表明被无人机掌控的画面。
他希望掌控无人机机翼按照他想的角度运转。Chen Peng developed the hacking system as his graduation project for his bachelor degree. He said the loophole in drones can be used for both good and bad purposes. For example, if a popular figure wants to escape the paparazzi, my system can help them detect the drones around them and control the device to protect their own privacy.陈鹏研发黑客系统来作为硕士毕业设计。
”The drone they used in experiments is made by a Shenzhen company, which Dominates 70 percent of China’s drone market, according to Chen Hao. As we are studying Info-security and mobile technology, we want to find solutions to security loopholes in these daily-used devices.陈浩教授讲解,他们用作实验的无人机由深圳一家公司生产,这款无人机占有了中国无人机市场的70%。“因为我们研究的是信息安全和移动技术,我们想要寻找这些日常设备安全漏洞的解决问题方法。”The team has briefed the drone company on the defects in their products and instructed them to improve safety measures. The company also plans to invite the team to the test its future products.这个小组早已向无人机生产公司讲解了他们产品的缺失,并提醒公司获取安全性防范措施。